Now is the Time to “Wade in the Water”
Between the suffering of our most vulnerable during the pandemic, violence against people of color and then the looting and destruction after protesting police brutality, the instinct to withdraw from the world and retreat within is strong. But, this is the exact time to do the opposite of retreat. It’s time to show up, discuss, shine the light on this imbalance and help progress our nation forward!
I know that most of you are not coming to my site to discuss structural inequity in America, but the conversation needs to broaden in scope. So, while it seems so overwhelming, I’d like to share a few things that I am doing: reflecting, speaking, donating. I am educating myself on systemic racism and how I, as a white person benefit from it. I will continue to speak up to my family, my friends and colleagues about the insidious and pernicious nature of racism. And I will continue to support organizations that are committed to undoing racism. Twice I took an Undoing Racism workshop with The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond - that began my education on racism in the U.S. - to say it reshaped my worldview is an understatement.
While the process of undoing racism is not achieved in two weekends, I am forever indebted to this organization for providing the foundation that began my ongoing education of and fight against racism in the U.S. It can be uncomfortable to cause ripples, but we must all be willing to wade in the water.
In honor of this very worthy organization, I am donating 20% of all Tocco sales in June to The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond. And as a treat for reading all of the way to the end of this post, here’s a link to the amazing Mavis Staples singing “Wade in the Water.”